Tuesday, July 31, 2007

a smurfs weblog

andreas here, its 550am, I've been putting in clips with imtoo ripper.

Its really important for everyone to stay in touch, and even if that means nearly writing about nothing, because chances are its not nothing if you're in the massive exchange...

so I'm going to weblog at least 3-5 times a week, hopefully more like seven, and hopefully so will you!

write about the mission you set fourth today, and what you're facing.

over here at the paul sweet, we need L brackets to mount the projector on the wall so we can cover the whole room for the fourth, we need to get the mirrors to finish the reflection. we've been getting clips and I organized my dvds in a pile to start systematically clipping. I got my zoom hv4 xlr audio recorder and I'm still working on getting a new laptop with the insurance from my broken screen. my cellphone is broken but its getting replaced, I thought it was going to be a chocolate but it turns out cingular is owned by att and for some reason my insurance decided I get an iphone, so thats pretty rad but until these wild dreams come true, I'm pretty much stranded...

I've been talking to the paulsweet household about a crazy idea I've had about video cameras. as it stands I can get a really good set of 4 colour cameras with motion sensors, led lights and night vision, as well as a ethernet hub with a hardrive that can record 3 weeks on all four cameras simultaniously. at first I was like whatever, but I got to see the cameras and the footage and realized its true potential. I know its crazy, but I'm seriously into considering a paul sweet show, at least for our own enjoyment. four cameras get the best angles of downstairs and maybe even the parking lot, and have access to footage 24/7. stream it in new york or tokyo, or download in hires parts when people do rad shit like sidways bike or play drums or have awesome spontanious conversations. I dont know, its been on my mind, and so I figured I'd more than just mention it, put it in to writing so to speak...

more importantly, we've been getting those clips for the show. I dont want to be overshooting the bare minumum, I want to be just barely pulling off maximum *(miracles)

we have way enough shit for the fourth right now, but thats not good enough. first most important thing is to move off of youtube flash shit, we have to go at least h264 640x480, at least.

another, we need to have variety. this fourth will be awesome, there wont be any house music, pretty much not a single clip I had from the woods show will be useable, no jem, no rainbow brite, no ducktales japan... planet earth and atmosphere stuff seems to be the scene.

coming soon we'll be doing something in big sur, and then the psychedelic ho-down. both shows mean to me the chance to do somethign different. black and white silent films like metropolis, I dunno. I'd like to see what we can do to blow people away, and I want to be flexible about it...

to get the best quality, I think chances are you'll find no better beginning than a dvd. there aren't many free and easy ways to get clips, imtoodvd ripper is pretty much the one I found that works. I thought I'd review the program for all mac users here, so millz, check it this is importanté:

basically you view the vid and pick where to rip through the timecode, and without a license you can rip up to 5 minutes, but if you torrent serial seeker for mac with the most recent serial box (july 2007) you can open any program there is including final cut and shit like imtoo dvd ripper.

now that barely matters, because 5 minutes is enoguh for most clips for our shows purposes, but as far as video editing and filmmaking, there is a snapshot feature at the bottom right, so angles that are perfect and you want to not only rab a clip but also an angle to try to recreate later, etc...

its very useful, I know its what i've needed for at least the last two years, and so I'm going to start compiling not only clips, but angles to improve my cinematography and help develop into some sort of production planner vastly more effecient than traditional storyboards...

okay its now 6:13, I'm going to wrap this up..

everyone should at least post their own profile until we get the skillset questionare bulliton compiled. -we should work together on that. it needs to exist so that people are asked the specific qand descriptive questions about their skillsets that they would forget to ask themselves. someone might say.

chances are a lot of this could have been posted as my own personal weblog, but I cant imagine finding the time to write a personal blog, let alone imagine people reading it. (I'll be suprised if anyone bothers reading this one) but its really important. the more we communicate the more shit can actually happen. and we can get productive.

so please, post shit about your day, tell me about shit you're working on, we really need to get on it.

andreas out.
...end of line...

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