Sunday, July 13, 2008

on point

Hey so I just checked, and paul sweet is alive and well...

Jesse and Zach and I [Andreas] had a good talk about things, and how we plan on:

A: filming Cheri Lovedogs flick "the Jesus Factor" -in HD with good lighting and sound (by maitland)

B: Stop Motion green screen growth of Crystals such as:

yea, one frame every 30 seconds, on Jesse's software...

Also I have door brackets with skateboard wheels and we're going to finish the dolly...

les we forget the incredible MR FLEX, no music on this clip but I'll have it soon

lets make some movies

1 comment:

bearvsgriffin said...

R2 here, live from Manhattan. Great to hear that the PS-media is still much alive and kickin.

Super cool to finally see the RASTA projections, good job with the choice of clips, i wish there was sound, but I'll go see the live show someday soon. rock!

but -- what about burningman!?