Monday, July 13, 2009

Queenstown/Milford Sound

Enjoy the warmth in SC you guys! We now we know the meaning of cold....sometimes I wish I was fatter. I mean phatter. Queenstown seems a HUGE tourist spot, with snowsports and 'adrenaline sports' as they call them (skydiving, bungee, etc). Adam, Hugh and I take a bus toward the fjordlands to go on a boatride through Milford Sound, a huge inlet from the ocean with the most vertical volcanic formations you could imagine!!! I think all the handheld filmmaking we've done paid off, because we dont get seasick despite the boat rockin' the days get chiller I have more time for massiving - forgive the terse earlier posts.
and now its time for the

Who in the PS is going/has their ticket?
Ride/camp configs? We would love to camp with the house again, but perhaps not next to speaking with parts suppliers soon about sustainable dome materials...

Whats going on in Juracid? :)


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