Thursday, October 25, 2007

gigs baby

hey whats up have ya'lls lives froze up ? I know shit is happening!
Narwallograms played two shoes in two cities last weekend. Five eyed hand asked us to do what we like to do at 5 Galaxies in San Francisco and and then on Sunday we hit the walls of Moes Alley for the second time in the last few months and were so privlidged enough to be able to play for the headliner, Garaj Mahal both ngihts as well. clips will be imported shortly. Narwallograms are rolling out again tomarrow night to hit the walls of "the Warehouse" to get fresh with "The Byron Space Circus" straight up fool. but do we have buisness cards? no.

Friday, October 19, 2007

shield yo eyes!

so Paul sweet now officially has a working mig wilder and a grinder. and enough bike parts to start our own bike church. projects are forming and will be documented on here. any requests about parts or projects can be sent to me here on massive. %%%JURACID BIKES RISING%%%

Thursday, October 18, 2007

scripts, cgi robot

as much as I have a problem with not being able to stop the flow of ideas I have, I also seem to invariably go through periods of steriodal growth and arrested development.

the jem game has yet to materialize as did the 2ndact demon short, though both have been video rehearsed...

but this is cool, my robot is nearly done, I thought I'd post a picture. special thanks to kevin, a kid with blender in watsonville...

introducing sambo!

basically, I'll start with a short filmed in the evening about him crash landing in a girlbands backyard after his planets destroyed. good practice with placing a cgi object layer on top of a real background...

then, greenscreen girlband music video with a robot, yes glamourous!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

So The Narwallograms are VJing two events this weekend for the band Five Eyed Hand.

Monday, October 15, 2007

fuego ill coming north to record in november

EH YO, my man fuego ill just sent me through some tracks to get up on and is gonna come through the sweet to hopefully get some studio time and burn trees with his good homie pone. but, i known this guy for years now and he's more massive than most i know in SD. he is gonna come up for a day or two around the 3rd of nov.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

jem sparkle tekkaglitter glitch video

so check it: I went on myspace and found a random indie 8bit artist in russia called uoki toki, asked them if they would be down with letting me to mash a video together in arkaos and put up on youtube with their song. He was like, "yes, your videos I like, sorry bad english!"

well I put it up all jammed with what we do, -and with russian cartoons no less! you should see his russian livejournal googletranslated, people are like, I counted it!

sept 22 footage

hey so difficulties with youtube, we need something that doesn't have a 10 minute/100mb file limit because it's pretty hard to compress a paul sweet show into 10 minutes, especially since its hd which leaves more like 9...

I digress,

missings some bands, we have more footage to assemble..


So we successfully threw a a black metal in the nettles show last wednesday the 4th. Skraeling and Wolves in the throne room played. about 100 folks or so showed up. it got a little hecktic right before the show but that shit went down. no cops. the projections went well but the computer went into sleep mode once and toby was late making things a little more stressed. the tape recorder that was supposed to be used for ambiant music is still missing. there was a scabbies scare. that has made a few around the house weary about the nov 3rd show. but it was wonderful that we could have a show on the property that could end by 11:30 and we could have a mini danceparty in the kitchen aftewrwards. good shit. i havbe 2 photos to post but i say wqe post some audio, video and scan the flier. straight up

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Tactical Encounter # 3: Paul Sweet Revisited

next weeks events

so i believe next friday citezens of santa cruz are going to once again going to try to re-claim the streets. A sound system bike is in the works and i see huge oppurtunities to project, maybe even mobily, fingers crossed. i will be buying a deep cycle battery before then. but it looks lik we are going to need multiple invertrs to run computer/ projector together. either way i say we make some throwies for the even!! i know i'm going to al least. and we need to get andrea on here, and R2 what happened to getting more housemates massive. **i say we contact the guerilla drive in folks and see what they have up their sleeve. this seems like a perfect event to collaborate at. lets go big in the streets next friday and not get anything confiscated, lost, or broken!

also we have the show at the cotton cany palace the following day so i say we set up and play with some patches in the big room sometime earlier next week

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

anybody got final cut for a bro

eh yall just through i would let you know that i finally got my machine running up here in santa cruz and would like to turn it into an editing suite ASAP. So i was wondering if anyone had a way to hook me up with final cut pro. i would really appreciate it.
