hey guys millz here, The art party was fun. and a success as far as breaking even and getting everyone drunk is concerned, and quinn made the big room look cooler than ever before!
I am hoping to get the approval of the housemates to throw a pretty low pro experimental indy rock show in the big room on the 3rd of january 2010! it would be MY DADS (originally the coma lillies) and NOT TO TREASON WHY (from Santa Rosa)
They would probibly crash here for the night as well as they are on tour. The coma lillies have had a great history of rocking this house so i am going to stand behind this one and help make it happen. let me know what you think.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
experimental rock music at paul sweet?@?#?$
Monday, November 23, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Pies & Thighs
ALSO = Let's not forget the Pie Eating Contest on Sat and ATOMIC bowling on Sun!
Family fun time!!!
Just wanted to put the word out that some pics and vid from Exotic Erotic are floating around. You might find some exxxtra saucy ones if you search hard enough but I've got all the good ones here:
next art show Dec 4th
hey guys so as many of you know we bumped the next art show from fridAY the 13th to december 4th so that it can be a hammer fest, ALTHough there will still be a scary movie cocktail party this friday still. anyways so i would like to book the art show sooner than later so that i can work on other stuff. i am working on makin a deal with a few buddies from sd where i just give them some money made off the bar for gas to get up here. so lets set up the bar wicked proper. also a project i really want to see fruitation is the broken sunglasses portraits. i think that everyone should do someone else. maybe i could even get everyone to pull someone elses name out of a hat and thats who they draw. i would love to discuss and act on this project over a house meeting sometime soon. also, quinn wants to redo the walls in the big room for it with hiz maze stencils so if anyone could commit to helping us get that done it would be greatly appreciated. right now i am thinking that i am going to attempt to get botron and hiroshima to play that night along with Zach and R2 and possibly agler colin, coda? let me know if you guys have any artsists or musicians who might be interested in partisipating. also, dance performers, come out! thanks
Sunday, October 25, 2009
critical mass and the funderstorm afterparty
hey guys,
so critical mass is going down this friday!
there will also be a back to the future planned ride that it may merge with going on friday. and a friend of mine named loise that is throwing it asked if they could have a little afterparty show with this band funderstorm that would go from like 11-2 or so. i am willing to go out of my way to help make this happen. so come out firday night on a bike and lets have a good old big room kickback.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
loves you wholly and unconditionally
Tonight, partyLOT went fantastic tonight. It was our first interaction with the local Santa Monica police department; they were all very lovely people. We welcomed them to partyLOT routinely; inviting them to try the VJ software and to be projected live with the video. The Sargent didn't make us turn the music, provided we left it a reasonable level; and researched Robert Palmer. For those who don't know, he sang "addicted to love"
Robert Allen Palmer (19 January 1949 – 26 September 2003), born in Batley, Yorkshire, was an English singer-songwriter. He was known for his soulful voice and the eclectic mix of musical styles on his albums, combining soul, jazz, rock, pop and blues.
Next partyLOT should be monday, hope to see you then. We love you! wholly and unconditionally ;)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
do you Partylot?
follow us on google maps
View Larger Map
Partylot went well tonight.
We have a twitter and facebook page now, wondering about that CSS code, and if I can get that Help, Rystar????
I'll be in Santa Cruz in November for a fortnight, Someone post something about whatsup...
I think we could have some more communication, commentary... Let's be productive! my positive people.
I love you, wholly and unconditionally.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
beverly hills, belair; santa monica & hollywood area.
special occasions:
mobile gatherings:
dance parties
super sixteen
for now just partylot.blogspot.com to evolve...
steady as she goes.
I tried to make the background larger, any help? r2 can you make me an admin on narwallagram so i can see the css code?
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Tryna Get Sexy?
Also -
if you're available and feeling a little more vanilla...
Dr. Kristov's Halloween Spectacular will get a taste of the Mojo as well.
This horror-theatre event sounds like it's going to be a funky good time.
It's at the Garage - a super cool artspace that we should ALL get to know a little better.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
tales from the wingman
home > stories > Oakland to Austin via the Sunset, 2009
Oakland to Austin via the Sunset, 2009
We were looking to ride the Sunset route in the spring. Cyd wanted to see Austin, TX and I had heard some good things about the place so we got ourselves to Oakland and wandered the Desert yard waiting for the Roseville train. It arrived in the afternoon and began its brake inspection. As we watched the train roll by us I realized there was not enough wine and wanted to make a trip to Trader Joes for a couple more bottles. On our way back from the store we saw a group of riders hangin' around the tracks in Emeryville.
There were 5 of them and a dog. We all hung out and drank wine with the hope that the train would stop at the signals nearby. Sometimes they do and other times not. This time not, so we slept there and made plans to catch it stopped during its inspection the next day.
We caught our train as planned, loading up into a boxcar. The car was cozy with 7, a dog and plenty of boxed wine. It seemed like we were all Roseville-bound until we got to Martinez.
I knew something was up because of the slow speed through the yard. Once the dark figures with flashlights appeared alongside the train I woke Cyd and gathered gear. Luckily both doors were open and it was dark out.
The train came to a stop. "Everybody out, this is the police", was yelled as flashlights lit up the boxcar. Our companions and dog surrendered on the cop side while Cyd and I made a break for it to the dark woods nearby. After a few moments, having not been seen by the police, we snuck back onto the train as it aired its breaks. With a peek out and a wave we said "goodbye" to our recently met companions.
We made Roseville by morning. It was raining and we jumped in a gondola so it got nasty. Once we got out of Roseville we nabbed a boxcar on a siding near Stockton. From there to Colton was quick. I especially love the Tehachapi Pass with its long winding curves and the Cajon Pass with its view from above of the BNSF security checkpoint.
Colton was good for an easy mini-well to Yuma. Once we got to the Colorado river it was time to forget about the heat and dust with a cool swim. The river satisfied our every hope. We stuck near the river's edge for another day before moving on.
Early in the morning we caught a 48 bucket with a 40 container and rode it to Tucson. Cyd has family in Tucson so we stopped and got a nice dinner with her uncle.
Back at the yard we met a couple other riders. One we had met a few months prior and another that got into a fight with a good friend of mine. Good hearty chuckles came with that story. We all drank our share that afternoon and split ways before night, or so we anticipated.
The train rolled in, a double stack, and it had a perfect 48 bucket for our journey east. We loaded up and waited for the brakes to air. I remembered that there was a tower to check for riders a little ways down so I peeked around the corner and sure enough there was a rail cop in the tower.
The officer was closing in fast so we threw our gear and ran for some bushes. Union Pacific's PFE yard can be tough as it has long stretches of fencing on both sides and little coverage at the west end. Best to be at the rear of the train for this yard.
After the train passed the cop drove back into the yard and we walked back to further our friendship with the other riders and wait for a night train. It was about 12 hours later when the next stack rolled in. It had a Cadillac bucket in the same spot we got before. After jumping on I gave another peer around the corner and our little friend was in the tower again but with a spot light. It may not have been the same cop considering the duration between trains. Things were starting to seem difficult. Minutes before the train aired up we decided to get along the side of the container and roll past the spot light while hidden from view. Some would say this was dangerous, but it got us out of Tucson and blazing through the night towards El Paso.
We woke up and looked around at the vast desert surrounding the train. It was a beautiful sight and we were ready for Texas. Upon our arrival in El Paso we noticed many Border Patrol vehicles along the way. At one point we rode right along side a Mexican town. As we came into El Paso there were cameras on poles pointing in every direction, a Border-thug helicopter and many vehicles. We were very anxious to see if we would be able to ride through.
Once we came out of the tunnel that runs under the city Cyd immediately informed me of some Border-thugs in the yard. We got our gear ready and bailed overboard as the train came to a slow. It was all clear on one side so we started running towards the fence as soon as shoes hit dirt. Not a moment to spare as a Border Patrol vehicle with lights flashing rolled alongside our car on the other side. We made it into town and did our best to disguise.
With a little look around the Cotton street yard it was a quick decision to get a bus out to the Alfalfa yard. A few blocks before the bus stop another rider hopped off a bus and introduced himself to us. I'll keep him anonymous but he was a genuine friendly hobo with many stories of the years he had been riding. He showed us the catch out at Alfalfa yard and we three waited three days for a train. Not much was stopping, working, or doing anything slow enough.
On the third day we got a stack train that was built in the yard. Our friend was not in as much of a hurry and optioned not to run after it so we parted. Within moments we were flying fast towards the Sierra Blanca split. Our train went the Sunset route further south through Alpine.
We enjoyed the ride from El Pisshole to Alpine, gliding at a fast pace towards unknown territory. Once in Alpine the crews swapped and we were closing in on our final destination. About 10 miles outside Alpine, while I was getting comfortable with some lunch, Cyd made a weird noise with a mouth full of toothpaste. I inquired as to what the ruckus was about and she promptly pointed behind us and said "he totally saw us". I would have never noticed. The Border Patrol constructed a rider checkpoint tower to trump all towers in the middle of nowhere and we had been caught off guard.
We packed our gear and waited for the inevitable. As the train came to a siding it slowed. Not so bad, maybe we were just meeting another train or getting past by Amtrak. As the white SUV's began to show up with the Border-thug green paint scheme we knew our trick was caught. We jumped off and ran to the bushes on private property nearby. After doing a thorough search of the train and even adding a false start so as to lure us out the train took off without us.
We let the train go because things seemed a little tense. Voices were coming from all directions of the brush jungle we hid ourselves in. Within a quick second 2 pistols were drawn and a Border-thug came at us fast yelling in Spanish. "We speak English!". I croaked towards the hollow bore closing in. At this the 2 agents relaxed though kept the pistols pointed. "What were you doing on the train", the mean one asked. "I wasn't on the train", said I. They did not believe me but I stuck to the story so as not to walk into an unnecessary arrest. Finally the chief told me that they did not care and were not going to arrest us for riding the train but that it would be inconvenient for them if we did not admit it was us so they could stop their search. At this I complied and relieved the dozen officers surrounding us.
It was about 100 miles to Del Rio so we hitched a ride in the back of a pickup the entire way. If you have to hitch, a pick up bed is about as close to a train as you get. We were very thankful.
Del Rio was easy enough and we got lucky with a boxcar in the night. Because of all the hype we had been experiencing with security I voted that a grainer porch with high walls may be a little more under the radar so we moved to one nearby at the next stop. This particular porch was as safe and secure as any I have seen. Yet somehow, in the darkest hours of the night, a man with a flashlight woke us from slumber. "What country are you from?". I informed him we had been taken off a train by Border Patrol earlier that day and would really appreciate continuing on our way. He seemed to have forgotten we were ever there and away we went.
San Antonio was a break from the tough security of the Sunset. We were finally a short distance from Austin. After checking out the Alamo and a few train yards we set up camp and waited at a siding for a NBD. This attempt failed and we wound up catching a train to Houston in a fit of drunken impatience.
A stroke of luck I'll never understand was when a rail cop rolled alongside our train while we were in the Kirby yard and he began searching each and every well down the train starting with the one after ours. We felt pretty good to not be chosen for sacrifice that day.
Getting into Houston the weather got wetter. We hung around Tower 26 until a slow BN rolled by. We were hoping for a northerly but it turned east and we were going further from our city of choice. By early morning it was clear that the train had tied down a few miles outside of Lafayette so we stuck out our thumbs. We got a ride with two ladies going to the drive-thru daiquiri shop in Lafayette. The line was 10 cars long and blocked one lane of traffic in the center of town but no one seemed to mind. After we 4 were given our large daiquiris with straws in and ready for sipping I realized that this was very unlike anything in my home state, California.
Our friends dropped us off at the yard and we seemed to be in luck with a possible rear unit. Or was it the front? We got on a grainer and decided to go to New Orleans if the train didn't go towards Houston. N.O. bound we went. Having been to N'awlins last summer it was in our interest to get the next one going back so when the chance arose we switched trains at a siding.
Our WBD turned out to be a pleasant one as we got a night time survey of every Union Pacific and BNSF yard in Houston before it turned north. Things were looking good and Temple was in our sites; until we were cut in Somerville.
A day at the reservoir was a much needed rest. Complete with a BBQ and beer we were rejuvenated and ready to catch the next northbound. It started to rain once we got back into town so we took shelter on a covered porch of an abandoned home facing the train yard.
A NBD unloaded rock train showed and we hopped into a deep gondola. A few miles outside the yard I noticed a suspicious looking white vehicle at a crossing up ahead. We were slowing fast and it was time to be ready. Once we stopped, the SUV raced up to the front and a man began walking down the train and looking in every gondola. We decided to let the train go and walked 10 miles to the next town.
At this point it was Austin or bust so we stuck to our thumbs and wound up with some good rides, lots of free food and a hotel room for the night compliments of a local church. The following day we made it to the famous city limits and tuned in to a great city with cheap public transit, jammin' music, an excellent library, polite folks, and enough trains to get us further north and eventually to our next destination in Wyoming.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
24 hours 24 pages
So the steampunk event was pretty darn steamy...what with all the girls getting naked in the wine tent and all...teehee...pics and other fun things can be found in the post on my blog - mojodeville.wordpress.com.
Just wanted to put all you art types on to this though -
Thinking I might get down. Who knows...could be fun!
:) <3 $
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Steampunk/Horrorpunk for you Punks
Free for folks who need an Earthdance alternative...feat. lil' ole me...droppin it like it's hot.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Art Show # 7 thursday sept 24th
SO because of Earth Dance the art show # 7 is going to be on thursday the 24th. at this point we have a jazz quartet starting it off with colin, mad zach, and R@ playin some dj sets and El chon droppin a little knowledge. this is going to be a half canvas half picture show so if you have some pictures you think are cool blow them up, label them and maybe mount them if you want a gold star. and please contact me if you want to put up bigger pieces or want to perform. and leave comments here on ideas and suggestions or questions. also if we can get a projector before the 24th i might screen some short films and it could be used for some awsome vj-ing. thoughts on using the festival cash on that??
my name is josefina and i'm a housemate and friend of caity fares - who pointed me in your direction. there are two reasons i'm contacting you, both of them are centered around that fact that you live at the paul sweet house (i think!). ;)
my first inquiry - i'm helping blackbird raum (a local anarchist folk punk band) book their cd release show the second weekend of october. they are totally rad and have played with bands such as leftover crack, star fucking hipsters, and this bike is a pipe bomb. here's their myspace:
my connection with them is that i book a lot of diy punk and acoustic shows here in santa cruz and have booked them numerous shows in the past - most of my shows have happened at zami co-op (where i live) but i've also thrown shows at the bikechurch, the subrosa infoshop, the pacific cultural center and various other locations and houses around town. the show would probably be about 4 hours long. we think it would be totally AWESOME to have it at paul sweet house and i promise that after the show your house will look better then it did before cuz i am an after-show-clean-up-goddess. ;)
another band that we might have on the bill would be koalacaust, who are also totally awesome.
the second reason i'm contacting you is because i was wondering if it would be possible for me to park a bus on your property! i have access to a 30 ft. long bus (shorter then a 40 ft. school bus), and would like to live in it. i need a place to park it off of residential streets so that i don't need to move it every few days in accordance with local parking laws, and hopefully have access to a bathroom and kitchen. caity mentioned that i should contact you because that might be a possibility where you live. i am willing to pay $100 a month, plus utilities, and of course regular house chores. i am also willing to do types of work trade, such as make sure you have the most beautiful vegetable garden in town, the most immaculately clean bathrooms and the most raging shows and parties (if you're house is into it, of course). of course, all of these things are negotiable.
how do these proposals sound to you? i would really love to talk to you over the phone, preferably in person, as well as i am more then willing to attend a house meeting if you all do that to talk more about either subject and address any questions or concerns.
i am totally awesome! i throw the best shows and am a super fun and responsible housemate!
ok, hope this message finds you well and isn't too overwhelming. please write me back or, preferably, call my cell phone at: 831-345-6907. if i don't hear from you in a few days i will probably give you a call.
thanx for reading!
best . . . josefina :)
she gardens.... whataya say?
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Guerilla Drive-In Kids
Network | September 25th |
"I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore!" Media madness reigns supreme in this scathing satire about the uses and abuses of network television. A TV network cynically exploits a deranged ex-TV anchor's ravings and revelations about the media for their own profit. |
The Third Man | Oct 2nd |
Challenging the laws that make public space off limits to the public after sunset, we move to San Lorenzo Park to show the only film ever shut down by the authorities (three times). In honor of Wes' birthday, we show his candidate for best film ever made. Great filmmaking in glorious black and white, a twisting plot, a haunting setting in post-war Vienna, a menacing Orson Wells, and fantastic zither music by Anton Karas. A grand late-summer GDI celebration with a whole park filled with food, drink, blankets, people, parents, young ones, elders, punk kidz, workin' folk, and students. |
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Got a Date w/ Busdriver & Rosetta...
Could life be any better?
MoJo will be rocking DC with Rosetta Stoned!!!
Milkman, down to do some contortion? Ty just hit me up!!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
September 25th Art show
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Rhythm of Life
So everyone should experience a Bob Fosse/Sammy Davis Jr collabo at least once in their life. I really want to explore that whole production piece idea again with live music and theatrics. Comeon - in the wake of PS FEST what's up with Halloween? We've got time to prepare. Hanged man's Ball? Devil's Dancehall?
Monday, July 27, 2009
Yo guys, Millz here.
The west coast has been rockin in this fine summer of 09. Me and agent resnikoff have made it to portland in a weeks time. we cross paths with mr wingman and his buddy don from the coma lillis (who are re-uniting in portland!!) in emeryville and rode a freight outta there to roseville. there we got a warning in what we thought was a safezone and then spent part of a day working or not working on a car and then hit the river. slept at the train yard that night and woke up to 100degree heat the next day so we made a shanty out of a ripped tent and laid low. then we tried to jump on a hotshot IM train to portland by hiding under the axels but the train sided and UP police started swarming around 6 miles outta roseville. so that got hecktic as fuck. ho0urs later we all found a way to meet back up and decided the only way to survive was to hitchhike. so we left john and don after finishing a box of wine of course and got a ride from some grandparents coming out of a church in and industrial building. i am about to eat some Salomon so ill continue this shit later. PUT PAULSWEET FEST INFO ON HERE!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Queenstown/Milford Sound
Enjoy the warmth in SC you guys! We now we know the meaning of cold....sometimes I wish I was fatter. I mean phatter. Queenstown seems a HUGE tourist spot, with snowsports and 'adrenaline sports' as they call them (skydiving, bungee, etc). Adam, Hugh and I take a bus toward the fjordlands to go on a boatride through Milford Sound, a huge inlet from the ocean with the most vertical volcanic formations you could imagine!!! I think all the handheld filmmaking we've done paid off, because we dont get seasick despite the boat rockin'....as the days get chiller I have more time for massiving - forgive the terse earlier posts.
and now its time for the
Who in the PS is going/has their ticket?
Ride/camp configs? We would love to camp with the house again, but perhaps not next to nexus...im speaking with parts suppliers soon about sustainable dome materials...
Whats going on in Juracid? :)
Friday, July 10, 2009
Taupo is a small town on the edge of a lake in the center of the north island. It is rich in natural geothermal vents and volcanic soil which grows delicious things. 'Organic' is a misnomer to the Kiwi because gmo and the rest o' dat shit's illegal, yo! The water heals wounds faster and the manuka honey kills colds in hours. Crazy place...
Thursday, July 2, 2009
grimey synesthesia
yo yo, we've been puttin together some videos with some sync'd audio/visual hyphiness.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Iced Tea Party June 21st <3
Hey everybody...
Just a quick reminder that my 24th Bday celebration (An Iced Tea Party) is happening THIS Sunday, June 21st. I think there was some confusion since the date changed. But yes, it is this Sunday at:
770 Capp Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
There will be delicious iced tea and some food provided by me...but it is a potluck, so try and bring a lil something to share if you can, feel free to bring a few good people (no crazies) and it's a BYOBooze event.
Hope to see you there
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Curing Someday Syndrome
Good grace - there has been some major shyte going on.
Firstly, Outside of generally going insane - I've been working on my book Curing Someday Syndrome! Making exciting strides as I continue to delete large blocks of black and white. Oh yes, I build large chunks of black and white too. Sneak preview to come.
I've been auditioning movement artists and freaky people for CCC. While I've gotten some videos like this:
I've also gotten videos like this:

yay open source software!
The group is sick. The music is complex and exciting. The video showcases some really interesting motifs and uses dance as a springboard for aesthetic madness. A little wave for ya? A little pop? Some lock? Oh...what about hot balloon burlesque? Get down.
forgive me, but this video has some SICK effects
okay, I know Linkin Park is retarded. but I saw this on babylon space and was intrigued by a huge table of trigger fingers so I clicked. I guess this song was for the transformers sequel or something but the visual fx are really cool. suggestion (listen with mute on)
Linkin Park – “New Divide”
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Lusty Lady Pride Float Fundraiser!
Hey Loves.
If you can, y'all should come out June 13th from 9pm-2am at the Lex in San Francisco to support the Lusty Lady's efforts to raise enough money to have a float for the Pride Parade. I'll be there, go-go dancing and being auctioned off as a date (later at night - think 11pm on, cause I have to work before that). I know that Jade's Safe Sex Bash & The World Naked Ride are also going on that night, so let's all go out to everything and support.
Check out our promo here
Vice Cream (yes yes, that's my *ahem* dancer name)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
test animation 1 for narwhal flip
Nar flip #1 from millz on Vimeo.
quinn and i are hoping to do a bigger version on a wall at concreet jungle sometime in the next week 8th-14th, and are going to need some help let me know your interest levels.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Party today, bike race/BBQ next sunday
Hey guys havent been in much of a computer mood, but here are the fliers for my may events. come through and tell your friends too. as for the art show tomarrow night i am going to buy some stuff for BBQ and too mix drinks and i am probibly going to stay behind the bar most of the night so please bring your homies and your art supplies and paint something. there will be some acoustic performance and wubakia is gonna play and some suprise acts. if anyone is interested in setting up a crafts station as well then do it!
as for the race, be ready to bust your ass for cash and trophies. i am planning to have an afternoon BBQ in the paul sweet parkinglot afterward. print the fliers and throw em up!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
I just saw shpongle last night. Amazing, amazing, amazing DJ set, totally catalyzed by the COMPLETELY INCREDIBLE UV REACTIVE COSTUMES. None of them can really dance, but everyone there was tripping so that wasn't as important I guess. As far as ways to spice up a DJ set, this was BADASS.
The guy on the far left with the feathered head-dress was my favorite. He had a different mask on the back of his head so he would turn around and do backwards-seeming head dances.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tressa Gold in Santa Cruz for Nat'l Dance Week <3
Hi Loves.
After having a lot of fun performing at El Rio for an AIDS/Lifecycle Benefit in SF this past Tuesday, I'll be performing in Santa Cruz on this Friday, May 1st for National Dance Week. The first performance will be at 6:30pm at Artisan's - the art gallery downtown on Pacific St. There will be an introduction (poem/performance piece) by the wonderful Dr. Wasabi, followed by a modest neo-burlesque duet by myself and Lindsay.
The second performance will take place at around 7pm at the Felix Kulpa Gallery, with another introduction by Dr. Wasabi (this time a titillating and fun performance piece called "Dr. Wasabi's Medical Spanking Clinic") after which I will perform my newest highly risque solo neo-burlesque piece!
Let your people know, and I hope to see you there <3
Tressa Gold
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Concrete Jungle is a new artist space on the Watsonville/Santa Cruz border in Northern California. In an attempt to serve the community , the managing bodies of the space decided to create a safe haven for local artists to host their events, workshops and spectacles. They did a great job of kicking off the madness with a 4/20 party - ha! And if you weren’t there you missed names like VIBESQUAD, MATTY G, Mad Zach & R2 the Specialist, and the Dub Pirates! Not to mention the “giant joint” installation piece hanging from the ceiling. The people will prevail! It's all about providing enrichment to Santa Cruz’s very intense artistic community.
The organizers of the space are currently opening the doors for new ideas and collaborations!
I've been asked to help kick off the madness.
This can pretty much be our clubhouse if we want it to be.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
did a little vectorizing...
and a little bit of after effects just to try to learn how...
lot more I need to learn about that thar after effects..
,,just trying to keep hyphy
speaking of which, hypercrush music videos///
super white kid withstanding, I enjoy the caliber of hyphiness these youths persuade.
Hyper Crush - Robo Tech from Mickey Finnegan on Vimeo.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
BODY MOVIN" art show in San Fran, come chill with MIllz
hey guys, i dont know who can or cant make it, but if you can make it to the art show i am showing/selling paintings at in san francisco on friday the venue is SPACE GALLERY on polk street in SF. come show support for the crew reppin in SF. there are going to be 10 different artists doing live art and a few doing a whole wall. it is a 21+ show, but YOU should sneak in.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Shameless Plug
Hey dubsteppers -
Counter Culture Collective will be workin' the floor and sharing our lovely treats and tricks with SCZ @ these upcoming events! Come through - support your local artists and get silly wid it yaddida?
Tappin' Dat...
See what I'm sayin is...lets take the damn show on the road already. lol.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
see ya there
Clown Burlesque Extravaganza! One Night Only!
Saturday April 11th, Doors @ 7:30, Show at 8pm
Tickets only $15.
At the 418 Project, 418 Front Street, Santa Cruz
(A benefit for Breast Cancer...because all Burlesque fans agree, we support healthy breasts!)
Previous Shows SOLD OUT: Best to buy online at http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/59814
Ohmygawd! This show ....in Santa Cruz?
~Susie Bright, author of numerous books on sexual politics, and editor of The Best American Erotica.
Dear Friends and Family,
Celebrate the spark of spring when April showers with fan dancers and clown prancers at the Clown Burlesque Extravaganza! This new Extravaganza offers a flirtatious frappé of kick-in the pants comedy, mind bending electronic mayhem and bombshell burlesque. We have local Clown Celebrity Iman, providing Bawdy Basque Bru-ha-ha, Miss Balla Fireweaned on Kerosene, Bunny Pistol from SF, Little Eyeful from Oakland and several varieties of punk inspired Clown spree. Mix in the BlamJets and a battalion of Burlesque Dancers from around the Bay Area and youve got an Extravaganza.
Last year we sold out three nights of bump and grind local performers in Santa Cruz, this year we have bombshells from ALL over the Bay area and beyond.
This Clown Burlesque Extravaganza isnt just a great showits a great cause. This benefit is for a local living legend of Burlesque, Madame E, who is currently battling breast cancer. This is a special fundraising event for us, because all burlesque fans agree, we support healthy breasts! So come dressed up in costume, witness some incredible performance and mayhem, and take home some unusual burlesque baubles.
Clown Celebrity Iman, Miss Balla Fire, Bunny Pistol, Little Eyeful, Cupcake, the Infamous BLaM JeTs, Josie Starr, Naughty Nurse Alice, Dr. Wasabis Fickle Tickle Clinic, Kiss Me Kate; Hut-Ho, The Ludicrous City Lickers, Burlesque La Moustache Je T'aime, Mouthful of Murth AND the Gelastic Fantastic Balloon Popping Daddies.
Buy your tickets NOW!
Brown Paper Tickets either online
http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/59814 or by calling 1-800-838-3006.
We can't wait to see you there!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
donk is the new dub
one might find interesting the british, and how they put a donk on it... sort of reminds me of dick van dycke and the chimney sweepers as they sang and danced and would "step in time"
Monday, March 16, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Phatty Squidele + Vibely
A yo yo yo. Check out the gawgeous flyers Evan created for my dance classes up in the city. Just thought I would share (the colors and graphics are a bit subdued in these versions - they pop in real life). I'm super stoked on the outcome, and am proudly handing out flyers left and right. Keep your eye out for the Master Burlesque Workshop I'll be teaching at Motion Pacific in April-May and a website...coming soon <3
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Strained and ART SHOW
for those who havent cought it this is a little ditty that has been in the works for the last year. a successfull collaboration. enjoy it. i did.
if you can help paint the main room there will be a mega session going down thursday night. come get down. as far as the night of the art show. i will be working on the room from 3-7pm and music will go from 8-2am lets do the doodoo. it is what we make it.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
the art show is 9 days away
So, the art show is nearing and i just wanted to throw info at everyone and give the space for you all that care to throw ideas and concepts at me. so far i have jesse's band, el chon, and R2 the speacialist playing. i am going to also talk to our good friend lyrical about having 15 minutes to do his thang. that could be enough or we could add one or two if they are juicy. as far as artists i have myself, quinn, caity fares, christina bruthers, jade and my buddy jacob putting things up. please let me know somehow if you or someone you know wants to show or do some kind of art. i want to paint the big room for the show and need to clear with the porndexter. if you feel up to commiting to a set up or clean up shift please let me know too!!!! also there might be a film crew there doing some interviews. its gonna be a good night anyway around it.
i am also thinking of a video installation.
so let me know if there is something you want to do to help contribute to art show # 4.
now heres a nice little tidbit
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
the LAB (flyer for Feb. 15)
--> Mad Zach
P.S. Mikey, Coda, R2, anyone else if you would like to make a flyer for the LAB I would strongly encourage you to do so. Just let me know if you're interested, I'll let you know the lineup and give you the thematic elements i.e. dartboard, etc.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Welcome To the Circus
Hey folks!
So the Milkman has been working diligently on the Counter Culture Collective site. The site will be a means of displaying our collective works and links to works while presenting prospective clients, collaborators, friends and fans with a polished representation of what we do.
AKA - Crew Glue.
Every now and then we'll feature an artist (podcast intro'd by him/her, photo, bio, link to their site) s0Oo... start working on material folks!
The media section will consist of photos of our events, the music we make, video of open source choreo/how-to vignettes...who knows?! If you have something poignant to say - you can always post up on The Body Jerk and the post will be featured on the front page of the site and eventually we'll have a store where we can sell our prints, video, beats, literature, screen prints, etc. as well!
If you're down :
1) check out the site (still under construction)...www.counterculturecollective.org
2)Read the mission statement. If it resonates with you...
Look forward to hosting more events, building more spectacles and teaching more people about the cogs and cranks of what we love to do and why we do it!
oh yea...and you might get a sweet hoodie or tee shirt out of it. lol.
{:Sending Love!:}