Tuesday, September 4, 2007

september parties

so the harsh/dipity show is 4 days away. Cyd pulled through hard with 4 walkie talkie, a nice chash box, a couple security jackets and apparently some gentemen to fill them, so legit, i knew she was waiting to bust out. she is down to sit down and meet about the show tonight at 10. The main points i want to bring up this evening to be figured are, Can i get in contact with this kid doing art to solidify details, lets get some sort of crude spreadsheet going of timeslots for people to do shifts for: driveway, parkinglot, security, bar, vj, DOCUMENTATION, and kitchen.what sort of alcohol should be bought and where the money earned should go.? and how and where people pay for the show and what shows that they paid.

for documentation i think it would be really cool if we could have someone on photo and someone on video and we could get a little snippet of both on here in the following week. i am glad to offer my services for either,

lets flier cabrillo, coffeeshops, music stores, and surfshops!

as far as the 22nd i would really love to start working on ideas for the flier now so that we could have some at the show SATURDAY lets set up a brainstorm session.

as for the Vj set up for the 8th i would like to have a little ripping party with andreas and r2 in the next two days, i get out of school at 9 both days so lets think somewhere between 10 and 1am. lets get everything out and do a runthrough for ourselves.

P.S. my school schedule is the following
mon 7-9:15 pm (drawing)
tues 2:10-4:45 (math)
wed 2:30- 4:40 (vid editing) 7-9:15 (drawing)
thurs 2:10-4:45 (math) 6-10:15 (welding)


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