Saturday, October 6, 2007


So we successfully threw a a black metal in the nettles show last wednesday the 4th. Skraeling and Wolves in the throne room played. about 100 folks or so showed up. it got a little hecktic right before the show but that shit went down. no cops. the projections went well but the computer went into sleep mode once and toby was late making things a little more stressed. the tape recorder that was supposed to be used for ambiant music is still missing. there was a scabbies scare. that has made a few around the house weary about the nov 3rd show. but it was wonderful that we could have a show on the property that could end by 11:30 and we could have a mini danceparty in the kitchen aftewrwards. good shit. i havbe 2 photos to post but i say wqe post some audio, video and scan the flier. straight up

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