Wednesday, October 3, 2007

next weeks events

so i believe next friday citezens of santa cruz are going to once again going to try to re-claim the streets. A sound system bike is in the works and i see huge oppurtunities to project, maybe even mobily, fingers crossed. i will be buying a deep cycle battery before then. but it looks lik we are going to need multiple invertrs to run computer/ projector together. either way i say we make some throwies for the even!! i know i'm going to al least. and we need to get andrea on here, and R2 what happened to getting more housemates massive. **i say we contact the guerilla drive in folks and see what they have up their sleeve. this seems like a perfect event to collaborate at. lets go big in the streets next friday and not get anything confiscated, lost, or broken!

also we have the show at the cotton cany palace the following day so i say we set up and play with some patches in the big room sometime earlier next week

1 comment:

bearvsgriffin said...

I agree. We need to put our best foot forward in regards to all our upcoming collaborations this October. Reclaim the Streets is probably the least solidified in terms of what the hell is actually going to happen at the event so obviously we need to be really prepared to improvise at our best. I've been told that they are just doing it up on campus. I was also told it was going to be on October 10th, but is it happening friday the 12th? This i need to find out today.

Chris with the lights is into helping us out on this project. He has a mostly working bike speaker trailer that he designed and built himself. I can pester him a little bit more, im pretty sure hes OK with us borrowing it.