Saturday, December 27, 2008

Sign and drop tactic

just a reminder to everyone who can support video as art.

Cabrillo is sneaksniping classes: if not the minimum number of students sign up, they will shut the class down permanently.

If you can register for AP40VA photography section, please do; If you can't, do it anyway and then drop in in a few weeks... You won't be charged and the class will be saved.

Either way its a sure fire way of saving video as art.

Also want to make clear because of the whole conspiracy, it's important that the first project be super8 FILM, and also should exibit cabrillo CAMPUS as much as possible, even if not using the school name.

Over the road pedestrian bridge shot
dolly shots
football stadium lit up at night
the SAC

I believe its best that this be a school project specifically so we don't lose the rights to our best ideas or make devil's dance-hall get swallowed somehow by cabrillo and their agenda.. and also can use the resources we accumulate to run our own projects better. Ideally, we will be able to use this project to also separately fuel our own projects, including the equipment and labour force, actors and notoriety we gain...

I say we should make a Cabrillo super8 Cinematek club FILM short around 21 minutes long with colour and black and white scenes and with the steadicam arm and new film lights cabrillo has;

and meanwhile build the resources and work on the puppets and claymation scenes for zach's devil's dance hall, we can even film it at the paul sweet and cabrillo, but lets have something else to turn in as cabrillo cinematek propaganda. Something about community college, video, and insanity (maybe he talks to Nancy Reagen)

Don't get me wrong we should make devils dance hall, I'm not even saying wait on it; I'm saying lets make it independently, or at least parasitically off the state propaganda...

after all, the state represents our love for the music.

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