Friday, September 26, 2008

more mixes

Found some fresh sources, lotta shit I've never heard before: - let's anyone submit a mix, and they also accept art/design to go with the music. (that's where the image on the left is from) I submitted some stuff and y'all should too! Plus it's a wordpress so you can search the name of an artist and find all the mixes that list that one. All the standard DJ genres, from RnB to DnB and everything between. Dope.
lots of electronic/hip-hop, as well as other genres. user submitted plus well curated.
(from their site's about page)

"-Blentwell is an ongoing document of the evolution of blended music.
-A daily link log of all of the hot mixes and beats found online.
-Blentwell's Links is based on the online linking system Scuttle which in turn is loosely based on the online linking system.There are two link sections:
1.) Blentwell Links - excellent mix links editorialized by the mysterious Mr. Blentwell.
2.) The People's Link - get in touch with the mix link zeitgeist through the posting power of the People.

And finally, Radio Free Brooklyn. Weekly or monthly (depending on how they feel) mix show by two guys in brooklyn. Extremely eclectic, with a different focus every show (fugazi tribute show, breakbeat/deathmetal, lots of REALLY GOOD indie rock, rare groove). Broaden yer horizons.

enjoy dat shit!

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