Sunday, November 9, 2008


Hey happy people. So the countdown begins. I'm currently waiting on a paycheck that I should receive on Thurs...and then I'm off - back to never land. Looking to come in on Sat or Sun time. Can't wait to touch down and get going and jump into this new chapter in the mojo chronicles. 

Was wondering if I could possibly stay at homebase for a bit before I head to Carmel Valley and then to Nevada City. Will be movin' and shakin before I build homebase closer to SF. Definitely would love to get down on some community lovin' and help keep the crib-o in order-so sign me up for some chores kids!

What's new...I've been really working on learning the ins and outs of backyard herbalism and would like to continue my studies - so if anyone knows anyone or anything...hit me up! I'll be playing with tinctures and decoctions from here on out and would love your input pertaining to what has worked for you in the past (be it entheogenic or otherwise) what currently ails you and we can come up with some holistic solutions for basic body love to keep stocked up for the free table, etc. 

That - is what I'm REALLY interested in bringing to and for you folk. Bodies need to be healthy and feelin' yum yo! But other projects I'd like to begin working on with all my awesome comrades include:
  • an interactive dance environment similar to this. I've been learning about writing code and playing with Python recently so I'm stoked on the idea of chewin on some scripts that will make the stuff that blur dream and reality at our events.
  • Zachula's psychodelic whompstravaganza
  • creating a reel for myself that's super bugged out showcasing my classical AND hip-hop AND urban arts skills -ALL ideas welcome and anyone who participates can use the footage for your own stuff as well
  • psyphy porn - thinking more along the lines of photos but would def consider something so glitched out you couldn't make out too much detail for get dark with it FRRREQMASONIC PROPOGANDA ANYONE?!(what can i say-you can take the dominatrix out of the dungeon but you can't take the ... well, you know...) but should be absolutely fucking redonk.  ;)
  • I really want to do some serious vocal recording for anyone who is down. Yea, this girl's got flows but am really interested in helping you guys get some complex vocal action in there, haunting melodies and weird noises and...whatever else we can come up with.
  • I don't know how you guys feel about building a dome in the grove...but it might be sweet to have a hookah lounge for parties - seeing as how dear milkman donated his hookah to the house. 
I much more - but what I'm trying to say is...I'll soon be around to get my hands dirty and want to shout out and say YO! I'M AVAILABLE TO HELP HOWEVER I CAN ON YOUR PROJECTS AS WELL. I'm itchin' for collabo so hit me up kiddos!

And now a word from our sponsers.


Mad Zach said...

yo soy stoked. If you make it out for Friday you'll be here for the cave party!!! monique is an expert herbalist, I've also been seeing this girl who's all about herbs. Can't wait to see you and get crackin, R2's gonna be here too.

Relgar said...

the cave party is this friday, it might be impossible for you to make it but if you can, it would be worth the effort. If you come in on saturday then you have to listen to us talk about how fun it was all day

Squidelephant said...

awww...i'll see what i can do. i have a semi-funeral event being hosted at my family's house on sat morning...not really interested in being around the hawks who just want to flutter around our shit and be nosey...but we'll see.

cave party sounds too good.
i'll keep you posted as i know.

Squidelephant said...

btw - its mojo...not evan. lol.