Sunday, July 27, 2008

blowin up the spot like i was sendin ouit mailbombs

I GOT MY BURNING MAN TICKET. So if anyone was trippin, they can cease. Now I just have to get a plane ticket out there. Working on it, yo, I'm working on it.

Today, right as I was getting off work, a bigass biodeisel bus pulls up right on my block. Been thinking a lot about BM transportation. I chat em up, give em a free coffee, and then get down to biz. "Y'all are going to burning man, right?" Turns out not only are they going, they'll have another bus at that point and will be leaving from San Francisco the day before it starts so as to get in the minute gates open at midnite. AND THEY HAVE EXTRA SEATS. Their website is, and I got dude's email so I'm gonna inquire further. Last I heard we were short on seats in the caravan...this could be a deus ex machina.

Oh wamp wamp...just checked out the site and while they do have one of my favorite banjo songs ever, they're asking $250 for round trip transpo betweetn SF and BRC. And they'll be running a shuttle all week to and from the reno airport. For $75. Anyway, like I said, I'll email them and see what's up. They were mega-psyched on juracid bikes and santa cruz in general.

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