Tuesday, August 7, 2007

coming up next: big sur!

that show was great, thanks to r2 for getting there when he did, I literally died the day before the show, and so needless to say I was pretty worn out and glad to see r2. (I wasn't a rockstar until I woke up in the ambulance, now I'm a real rockstar!)

I'm nearly done with my methpsa, have to do some audio to it, if anyone gives a shit, I put up the test footy at youtube (http://www.youtube.com/stemcellfilms) its lame but worth living for, lol...

to millz: I just soundtrack pro working on my mac, and the zoom xlr audio recorder figured out. sometime after the bigsur show billie and dash are going to help me redub the audio and get this cemetary short online, it was worth waiting just a few extra weeks for clean audio in my opinion, because it'le look that much better.

millz, I never cashed the check, sorry about that, life got way to crazy and I figured you probably needed the money. hopefully we can get all that shit figured out about arkaos and the camcorder when you get back, for now just good luck (we all need it)

R2: ask for bigsur, we need to get that figured out, I'm still pretty worn out, I haven't driven in over a week but hopefully I'll be out and about again soon. It looks as though it's pretty much on me to get r2 and I up to big sur.

to r2: I'm kind of hoping you can be more in charge of getting this set up. I'll do what I can but I won't have much time until friday itself... I'll have my computer and harddrive ready, if you can come up with some sort of transportation case for the projector and wires, we'll probably be golden... I'm sorry I haven't been able to help more. If you need any help let me know and I'l try to do what i can. I don't want you to feel like its all on you or that you're the only one who cares, let it be written: I'm way down, we're going to make this happen.

good luck to everyone everywhere. I'm glad to not just be involved in creating video but in the actual evolution of it's presentation. It means more and more to me every hour of every day. -using two projectors blew my mind. it completley changed how I thought about "the zen of vj" or whatever we do.

not sure what else to say, just checking in. you know...

everyone take care!

-andreas out.

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