Friday, December 7, 2007

big post

so something that I think people misunderstand is that we all need to be BLOGGING, as well as VLOGGING and the key differences being you blog practically anything (consider it a cocktail napkin or you'll never succeed in life at least not with the help of others) and vlog things that are happening, that is, not just things you are proud of...

having said that, these are my latest three vlogs, and this blog is an apology to myself for not blogging everyday... I get the feeling that the format for success is personal blog, vlog, and then posting a blog about your vlog on the collective massive exchange blog (which could someday become a vlog)

fuck it... here it goes:

heres a flash cartoon i liked

this ones from france

heres a trailer for xanadu:

finally: this punk makes military grade 8 foot flatscreens, meaning he builds them and programs them... but buy a multitouch interface from china and woop dey it is in seventeen inches... -can't wait for apple to get their shit together? buy the fucking chinese one asshole! -oh and learn linux, and cactus...

right on,
and by the way, if anyone didn't know we have our van accomplished, that it has a 1000watt pure sinewave inverter and an additional deep cycle battery, and it runs two projectors and has room for the computer and 4terabytes, we do.


millz said...

hey man sorry if it seemed like i was bitching people out in your car after the show, i was just trying to get across that this stuff willb e alot easier if we publish things one or 2 at a time as they come. and consistantly. you know man.

Xirtus said...

definitely and I agree