Saturday, December 29, 2007

a video! hallelujah.

here is my big movie. all of this was done using a combination of aftereffects and finalcutpro (primarily aftereffects). the fire spinning was all shot in a super dark space and i was wearing black clothes. then i cut everything out of the footage that wasn't the fire fairly simply using aftereffects. i used two different video layers and masks to make the final product. the scene in the snow with the christmas train was the trickiest piece.

now we should all go buy fancy new computers that will run aftereffects flawlessly, unlike my wicked old powerbook!



bearvsgriffin said...


I would try and use words but they would all come out all drively like:

brilliant, cozy, simple, well executed. My friend, put some lyrics over this and you've got an entertaining independent music video. YAY GO KELLY

millz said...

you made that van dance when you walked by! that was amazing and inspiring.

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.