Thursday, December 20, 2007

silent still born

so you say you want to help with audio huh?

prove it.

help me find the things I need to start venturing into the groundbreaking world of technocolour talkies.,,

I want to get two wireless lapel mics like the ones we used in the community access skit.

what I'd like is a 2 channel thing with two mics that can record different levels on different tracks simultaneously, get it? so I can have one hidden microphone on one persons collar and one on the other. both unneffected by each other... -anything larger scale i'll use a shotgun...

I also need a shotgun...

i dunno what to get, I heard something about Sennheiser but I don't really know what that means or which one.... This is the most important thing in terms of film right now, we suck and we cant record proper audio for the life of us... -the h4 is at least clean but its omnidirectional, not good for most video purposes actually because we really need the shotguns limiting range and ask for the lapels, I don't know what type I need, but I know I definitely need em and two...


bearvsgriffin said...

H4 is awesome cuz you can run lapel mics straight into it.

Xirtus said...

hmmm, that is a fuckin great point...

help me figure out about shotguns, long verses short distance, I don't really know what that will mean in the field. what about recording someone indoors during loud noises around, and what about outdoors say on windycliff or the edge of a waterfall... like blocking ambient noise, and getting the voice as much as possible. does that make sense?


i dunno i know you cant be sure but I saw these and wanted to compare short verses long shotguns etc