Thursday, June 19, 2008

Brooklyn meltdown! Live psyphy TONIGHT!

So, it's been quite an exciting and productive week out here on the east coast. Many new hands have been shook, many promising prospects of collaboration (Zach laid down some tracks with Chris from Rosetta Stoned). We eventually built up enough buzz around the town that we're pullin together to do a party tonight. Zach on the dex, R2 on the vis psyphy + anyone else who wants to roll through.

Anyways, the whole time we've been here mr. Mad Zach has been working like a fiend on finishing up his full length album. I've gotten to hear snippets here and there and I can assure you this shit is MAD PHAT. SUPER DUPER DANK WOMPER.

Evan talked to Zach about album art for a minute, so that might happen.. but moreover, I know there can be some sort of synergetic collaboration on the live performance, the live visuals, the album art, the website, the biz cards ... yanno ... the whole 9

I just wanted to throw it out there to any and all who read massive for the potential mega-collaboration.

much more to do today to set up for the par-, gotta get some fresh new midi gear. keep on truckin! love u all


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